Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival at HWA

The HWA students and teachers eagerly embraced the annual Mid-Autumn Festival celebration, infusing the campus with a vibrant festive ambiance. Colorful lanterns adorned the campus, enhancing the festive atmosphere. Before the festivities commenced, Mr. Principal delivered an impassioned speech, highlighting the significance of the Mid-Autumn Festival. He emphasized that this traditional Chinese festival symbolizes family reunion, encouraging the students to cherish the opportunity to gather with their loved ones. Mr. Principal expressed his hope that through the celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the students would gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for Chinese traditional culture.

Next, student representatives took the stage to share stories about the history of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Through these stories, the students not only gained knowledge but also deepened their understanding and appreciation of the festival.

Afterwards, the students divided into small groups to experience Mid-Autumn activities. They participated in traditional cultural activities such as solving riddles, archery, Pitch-pot, mooncake making, reciting rhymes, and paper cutting.

Guessing riddles is one of the traditional games during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The students actively participated and successfully guessed the answers to the riddles, enhancing their intelligence and teamwork skills.

Archery and Pitch-pot were extraordinary highlights of the Mid-Autumn celebration. The participating students meticulously prepared themselves, firmly gripping the bowstring, regulating their breath, and concentrating their gaze in the tranquil surroundings. In the Pitch-pot activity, they demonstrated their strength by skillfully aiming and accurately tossing arrows into the pot. The students continuously refined the force and trajectory of their throws, persistently pursuing perfection.

Making mooncakes is an indispensable activity for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The students personally participated in the process of making mooncakes and experienced the charm of traditional craftsmanship.

Rhyme recitation and paper cutting exemplified the splendour of Chinese traditional culture. With the guidance of their teachers, the students engaged in a rhyme recitation competition, skilfully intertwining movement, and symbolic language to showcase their cultural and artistic proficiency. The paper cutting activity revealed the students’ ingenuity and dexterity as they meticulously crafted a variety of intricate paper artworks.

During the Mid-Autumn celebration, the students not only gained a deeper understanding of Mid-Autumn Festival culture but also fostered their teamwork and creativity. Through these traditional cultural activities, the students experienced the unique charm of the festival and established a commitment to preserving Chinese traditional culture. It is our hope that every student cherishes this special experience, carries forward the traditions of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and spreads the joy of reunion and love to more people. Let us all have a marvellous time and share the happiness of reunion during this Mid-Autumn Festival!