HWA 2021 International World Cultural Day

HWA International School held its annual International Day on Friday 29 October 2021. HWA believes that the celebration of International Day is an important part of the holistic education of our students, and the appreciation of multicultural perspectives is a necessary characteristic of the future citizens of the world.

This year, our theme is “The Journey of World Culture”. Students were divided into seven groups – each group was to embark on a journey of cultural exploration into one of the seven countries across the different continents in the world: Canada, Australia, Egypt, Spain, China, Iceland, and Brazil. Under the skillful guidance of their homeroom teachers, the students were able to develop the Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills of social collaboration, self-management and communication during the active preparation.

In order to keep everyone safe in this COVID situation, HWA adopted safe-distancing measures (SMM) during the International Day event. Based on a rotating schedule, the organizing committee was able to ensure that all students had the opportunity to showcase the fruits of their hard work while learning about different cultures.

The day ended with many take-aways for everyone. For the students, it is a step towards becoming the global citizens of the future, with an appreciation of different cultures. They also get to develop their ATL skills and cultivate the IB Learner Profile attribute of open-mindedness. For HWA teachers, it is a step towards our School Vision – developing our students into global citizens with intercultural perspectives.

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