

汉合国际学校是一所国际文凭组织(IB)认证的国际学校,经认证可提供所有 3 个国际文凭项目:


HWA 获得了 4 年的 EduTrust 认证。点击这里参阅我们的证书。

EduTrust Certification Scheme(EduTrust)是由 CPE 为新加坡私立教育机构(PEI)管理的质量保证计划。它宗旨在于区分能够在总体教育服务中保持高水准的私立学校,并不断进行改进,为学生带来积极的成果。


CPE 注册号:200607850N


您可以在 SkillsFuture SG 网站上了解有关私立教育委员会或私立教育法的更多信息。

Parent/Guardian Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Country Code *
Phone No. *
How did you hear about us?
When will you be contacted?
programs *

Campus Tour

Parent/Guardian Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Relationship to Child *
Email *
Phone Country Code *
Phone No. *

Student Information

Gender *
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthday *
Citizenship *
Singapore Identity *
Name and grade level of school currently enrolled *
English Level
Apply for admission grade
Visiting Date
Visiting hours
How did you hear about HWA?
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